I used to be fat-shamed all the time, especially as a teenager. It was terrible. I agree that we need to get better at supporting overweight children especially. I was bullied and shamed by kids and adults.
With that said, at 16, I actually decided to take people's negative, hurtful comments on as motivation to lose weight. In the end, being overweight isn't healthy and I knew I had to make a change before I gained even more weight, putting my life at risk at such a young age.
I ended up losing the extra weight, my breathing problems stopped, my body felt stronger. I was finally a happy teenager. That experience really changed my life and set me up for a better relationship with my body years later.
I believe in each of us taking responsibility for our health and doing the best we can to take care of our bodies. I work out and eat healthy because I love my body. I see positive change as a form of self-love and respect.
And this came with a heavy dose of accepting the things even exercise won't change, like my wide hips and curvy shape. I remember looking at fitness models and wishing I could look like them, but I eventually understood that that wasn't the point. The key thing is eating healthy, exercising, loving my body, caring for the one home I have!
Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us, Lindy! It really got me reflecting on my experience as a bigger girl. I wish you all the best on your health journey!