Member-only story
Do you ever notice your mind rushing to find a new problem to tackle while you’re reading a book or trying to relax after a long day?
You’re chilling on the couch, scrolling through Netflix for a good movie to watch as you sip on your preferred beverage. You’re in a good mood and feeling ready to just completely let go.
Suddenly, you’re reminded of a problem you had earlier that day. You shake your head and push it away, refusing to let anything ruin your evening.
But then, a few minutes up to half an hour later, you’re pondering that problem along with a new one that has come up.
What is going on?!
Turns out this is a common issue linked to how our brains work. Essentially, when something we’re looking for becomes rare, we seem to be adept at seeing it more, probing for issues where there are none! This is linked to our brain making comparisons between current and recent experiences.
The issue with constantly seeking problems and feeling like everything needs to be fixed is that it puts you in a state of perpetual unease. Eventually, you find yourself unable to rest due to how much your mind is racing, even…