Yes, it’s truly amazing how America evolved from that to where it is now. I know there are still issues, of course, but it’s still something to be proud of. I hope other regions can also undergo similar changes. It’s just taking much longer.
Great point. I mean, we support Saudi Arabia, which didn’t allow women to drive until 2018! It’s very hypocritical. The Gulf states are particularly notorious for their terrible laws discriminating against women, including guardianship which means women can't travel abroad, renew their passports, or get certain medical treatments without permission from a man…
Yeah, I just think these issues aren’t of enough importance to the U.S. and other Western countries…their top concerns are oil and nuclear weapons! Indeed, I mean if I had to choose which countries to sanction over misogyny, we’d have to target every single country across the Middle East and North Africa, except for Tunisia (the one Muslim country that’s making good strides towards gender equality).
Sanctioning all these countries would cause a disaster, but I bet they’d get their act together real quick with the impending economic doom…